ZONESUN ZS-180P ራስ-ሰር የምርት ማምረቻ መስመር

የትራንስፖርት ሁኔታ:ይግለጹ、የአየር ትራንስፖርት、የውቅያኖስ ጭነት、የመሬት ትራንስፖርት

የክፍያ አማራጮች:የዱቤ ካርድ、Paypal、ዋስተርን ዩንይን、ቲ.ቲ.、አሊፓይ、WeChat

የምርት ዝርዝር

የምርት መለያዎች


This production line can automatically arrange bottles,fill liquid and cap bottle,it helps to save production process and improve working efficiency.We can offer custom service for different kinds of materials,make these machines can match your material better. It is widely used in food,መጠጥ,cosmetics and pharmaceutical industries


> > Bottle Unscrambler

Suitable Bottle Diameter20-100ሚ.ሜ.
Suitable Bottle height30-120ሚ.ሜ.
የሥራ ፍጥነት40-60 ጠርሙሶች / ደቂቃ(በጠርሙስ መጠን ላይ የተመሠረተ ነው)
Motor Power0.2kw
ገቢ ኤሌክትሪክ220V/50-60HZ
የተጣራ ክብደት / ጠቅላላ ክብደትAbout 135kg/180kg
የጥቅል መጠንAbout 1350*131.50*123.50mm

>> Full Automatic Liquid Filling Machine

የመያዣ መጠንφ20-160 ሚሜ H30-300 ሚሜ
ከፍተኛ የፍሰት መጠን3000ሚሊ / ደቂቃ5500ሚሊ / ደቂቃ5500ሚሊ / ደቂቃ7500ሚሊ / ደቂቃ
Material of pumpPlastic304stainlss steel316stainlss steel316stainlss steel
የመሙላት ትክክለኛነት≤100ml deviations±1ml

> 100ml deviation≤±1% ( በውሃ ላይ የተመሰረተ)

የመሙላት ፍጥነት20-40 pcs/ደቂቃ20-50 pcs/ ደቂቃ20-50 pcs/ ደቂቃ25-60 pcs/ ደቂቃ
(depending on bottles and filling liquid)
ገቢ ኤሌክትሪክ220V-50HZ/110V- 60HZ
The whole machine power2kw
Packing weightAbout 150kg
የማሸጊያ መጠንAbout 2000*820*1580mm

>> ሙሉ አውቶማቲክ ካፒንግ ማሽን

የጠርሙስ ቁመት30-300ሚ.ሜ.
የጠርሙስ ዲያሜትር18-70ሚ.ሜ.
የሥራ ፍጥነት20-60 bottles / minute (እንደ ጠርሙሱ እና ቆብ መጠን እና ቅርፅ)
የሚሰራ ቮልቴጅAC220V/110V 50-60HZ
የሥራ ጫና0.4-0.6ኤምፓ
Dimensiomወደ 1930 * 740 * 1600 ሚሜ
የማሸጊያ መጠንወደ 2000 * 820 * 1760 ሚሜ
WeightAbout 150kg



ጥያቄ:Is it possible to customize the L configuration conveyor for this production line?
ሀ:Yes,please contact us if you need this.

ጥያቄ:Is it possible to replace one machine of them?
ሀ:Yes,you can choose the suitable machine according to your needs

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